Come one, come all! Colonial Spirits will be hosting its annual Summer Bash! Last year was a great time and we expect this year to be even better. June 25th from a marathon 1-5pm, we will be tasting beer, cider, wine, and spirits all at the same time. Weather permitting, we will set up the picnic area with a cornhole court and we’ll be grilling up hotdogs and hamburgers. On top of all that, we’ll be raffling off multiple summer beer swag. Coolers, beach chairs, and more will all be available for you to win. All you have to do is come down and join us. June 25th, 1-5pm.
Victory Brewing
Jack’s Abby, Citizen Cider, Dogfish Head, Stone.
Notch, Castle Island, Far From the Tree, Captain Lawrence, Two Roads, Rising Tide.
Stolen Smoked Rum 1-3 PM
Avion Tequila, Glenlevit Scotch and more 3-5pm
MatchVino w/ Stacey from 1-4 PM
Kono Sauvignon Blanc from 3-5 PM
Stirrings Mixers 3-5pm

I want to know what everyone thinks about Washington State Cabs. If you have recently asked me to recommend a Cab, you more than likely heard me mention how I think WA Cabs outshine CA cabs and how they will some day get more attention than their CA counterparts. I still believe it to be true, but before I go forward in my plans to expand our WA cabs and cut back on our CA cabs, I want to know what everyone else thinks.
Please feel free to argue and fight for either side. There are great points for both sides and, believe me, I have heard them all, but I never hear it from our customers. I know of a few customers that support me and want to see more WA cabs in our store. I also know that there are a few that would love nothing more than to see more CA cabs in our store, especially rare ones. But unfortunately we do not have ever growing floor space that allows for expansion of all sections, so we have to make decisions about where our store is going and how we are going to get there. Who better to tell us than our customers! You know what you like and what wines you would like to see in our store, so please let us know what you think and what our next step should be.
Nic C

Oregon has just had its best vintage ever in 2008; pinot noir across the board got great press and scores from every wine snob, enthusiast, spectator, connoisseur, and critic. But a new challenge lies ahead: can these up and comers produce other styles of wine? The answer is, of course, yes. They already do, most of which is not distributed on the east coast due to the lack of demand. This is especially true since there are only about 5 varietals that are not pinot noir, chardonnay or pinot gris available in Massachusetts from these states; the limited quantities of each are arguably too obscure and uncommon to create demand. Continue reading Oregon & Washington Wine: Looking to the Future

It wasn’t too long ago (30-40 years) that Bordeaux was THE red wine, and no other wine could compete. Thanks to the Tasting of Paris in 1976, this was proven to be false; California could also make red wines equal in caliber to those from Bordeaux. The most recent contender in this on-going battle is Washington State.
In 2009, Wine Spectator named Columbia Crest Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 the #1 wine of the year; not many wineries can put that on their resume. A bottle of Quilceda Creek Estate Cabernet Sauvignon can cost $150-$175, depending on the vintage, but show me a Bordeaux or a Napa Cab that has those same scores and costs about the same; there aren’t many. Washington State wines are the newest gems in the wine world and, little by little, they are getting noticed. I love that Washington State wines are still in the dark because the quality of wine isn’t compromised by sales. Continue reading Washington State Red Wines: California & Bordeaux Have Met Their Match!