Going to finish off the month with our last Brewery of the Month tasting. Lagunitas has been a staple for us, especially since they came out with 12 packs. One thing we don’t often give enough love to is their 22oz. bottles. All that is going to change after this tasting. We will be opening every 22oz. we have (as well as some of the 12oz. bottles) on Friday the 27th, 4-6pm. Come out and have some fun.

For the second of the Brewery of the Month tastings, we’ll have Smuttynose back in to pour even more beer. We’ll have the 12 packs $12.99 as well, so there is no reason not to come down. Always a good time, it’ll be Friday 22nd, 4-6 pm.

We’re kicking off the Brewery of the Month tastings with a bang. We’ll be lucky to have some brewery-only offerings and some special things that I have set aside over the year. We’ve been big fans of Smuttynose for a while now, so now it is time to show the love to both brewery and customer alike. I highly recommend this tasting for anyone who likes to try something new and exclusive. We’ll also have the 12 packs for $12.99 for those who like the classics. Hope to see you Saturday 1-3. Cheers!