The Pioneers of Vermont craft beer. Some of you know them as Long Trail, bottled their first batch of Long Trail Ale back in 1989. Can you believe these guys have been brewing beer for 30 years!?! The brewers set off on a mission to brew an affordable alternative to the expensive imported beers from Germany, England and Belgium. Over the years they’ve added over 20 new beers to their lineup. Get in here on May 31st from 4 pm to 6 pm and have a taste of some delicious Vermont craft beer!
-Colonial Spirits Beer Team

The Pioneers of Vermont craft beer. Some of you know them as Long Trail, bottled their first batch of Long Trail Ale back in 1989. Can you believe these guys have been brewing beer for 30 years!?! The brewers set off on a mission to brew an affordable alternative to the expensive imported beers from Germany, England and Belgium. Over the years they’ve added over 20 new beers to their lineup. Get in here on May 11th from 1 pm to 3 pm and have a taste of some delicious Vermont craft beer!
-Colonial Spirits Beer Team

Long Trail is the ale to cure what ails you.
It’s the Steal of the Month for September.
They have fantastic beers from their brown Double Bag Altbier, to their immensely refreshing and satisfyingly bitter Limbo IPA.
And we have a tasting where you can try their entire selection.
What else needs to be said?

Despite being relatively new to our shelves and to Massachusetts, Stony Creek is making an impact. Their Cranky line up has everything you need. Little Cranky is the session IPA, Cranky their IPA, and Big Cranky is their double IPA. Besides these staples, they have beers for those looking for something other than hoppiness. Recently their Dock Time won a gold medal for Amber beer and I think it is maybe the best amber we have on our shelves. But I’ll let you all come to your own conclusions at our first Brewery of the Month tasting. July 9th, 1-3pm.
Come one, come all! Colonial Spirits will be hosting its annual Summer Bash! Last year was a great time and we expect this year to be even better. June 25th from a marathon 1-5pm, we will be tasting beer, cider, wine, and spirits all at the same time. Weather permitting, we will set up the picnic area with a cornhole court and we’ll be grilling up hotdogs and hamburgers. On top of all that, we’ll be raffling off multiple summer beer swag. Coolers, beach chairs, and more will all be available for you to win. All you have to do is come down and join us. June 25th, 1-5pm.
Victory Brewing
Jack’s Abby, Citizen Cider, Dogfish Head, Stone.
Notch, Castle Island, Far From the Tree, Captain Lawrence, Two Roads, Rising Tide.
Stolen Smoked Rum 1-3 PM
Avion Tequila, Glenlevit Scotch and more 3-5pm
MatchVino w/ Stacey from 1-4 PM
Kono Sauvignon Blanc from 3-5 PM
Stirrings Mixers 3-5pm

Again, we will have our Brewery of the Month BBC come to pour again. This time on Saturday, June 18th. Last week we showcased their lighter offerings such as Gold Spike Kolsch and Busker Pilsner. This week we will lean toward their darker side. We try to show off everything that a brewery has to offer in these Brewery of the Month tastings. With Berkshire and their large line up for core and seasonal offerings, we need two tastings just to fit it all in. We’ll still have the lighter offerings for tasting, but we’ll be focusing on the stouts and porters of the famous South Deerfield brewery. June 18th, 1-3pm.