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4:00 pm
Gallo Wine Tasting w/ Andrew Tilman
We all know E&J Gallo Wine Co, what you don't know, however, is that they aren't just marketing geniuses. E&J is a family owned and operated company that nitpicks over appropriateness of place and varietal as much as the next wine geek. With brands like MacMurray, which is dedicated to bringing the best examples of […]
Find out more »Spencer Trappist & Bantam Cider Tasting
On May 16th we are having a two-for-one tasting. While both drink makers are producing high quality beverages, they are in two very different categories. First we have a Trappist Ale from Spencer. Brewed by the Monk's of Saint Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, MA, this ale is quickly becoming one of the most highly sought […]
Find out more »Select Wine Imp. Wine Tasting w/ Alex and Beth Ann
This is a tasting not to be missed. Alex is the owner of Select Wine Imp. (www.selwine.com) and recently picked up the wines from Twelfth Night (www.velawines.com), a New Zealand based wine company. While Alex will be pouring wines like Firriato Etna Rosso and Etna Bianco and La Font du Loup Cotes du Rhone, Beth […]
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Bulleit Bourbon
Whether you are just getting into bourbon or are a long time aficionado, it is time to try Bulleit Bourbon (and Rye, for that matter). The Bulleit family has been making this fine spirit for generations and it is one of the very best buys on the whiskey shelf. It is a great expression of […]
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