Together with Rapscallion, Aquitaine, and Colonial Spirits of Stow, we are inviting all to join us for our 3rd Wine Dinner this year.
Rapscallion is one of the kings of local, fresh food. Aquitane is one of the best-known importers of Bordeaux. These are NOT your average food and wine pairings, folks. Don’t miss out on this huge opportunity.
When & Where: Monday, October 2nd, 2017. Rapscallion Table and Tap will be opening up their doors to host a Bordeaux-centric wine dinner. 5 courses, 6 glasses of wine, and all for the fair price of $75 per person (Tax and Gratuity not included). If you would like to RSVP call Rapscallion at 978.429.8161.
To learn more about Aquitane, Click Here
To learn more about Rapscallion Table and Tap, Click Here