Here’s a challenge for all of you out there in internet land…try something new! ‘You’ll never know if you don’t try,’ is applicable here. I’m reminded of it myself when evening after evening I consume some of my favorite wines [brews, and ciders] from France & Italy…I know, France & Italy, as if anything matters outside of those two countries ;-)…& then I taste something that is either soo completely different or really good from neither of those two countries. It’s shocking actually how ‘settled’ we can become in our habits, particularly in what we consume.
When I stepped on the plane to Spain at the end of February, I thought to myself that I would much rather be flying to France or Italy (maybe the Piemonte again). While on the plane less than a week later, I wondered to myself, “When can I come back?” What happened? I was familiar with Spanish wines before through my tasting and studying of them, in fact I had even been to Spain before (Catalunya, although I was not there ona wine trip). The trip proved to me how good Spanish wines actually are. I came to understand that previously I didn’t really understand the wines of Spain, despite all my tastings of & studying of Spanish wines, as well as my previous visit. Continue reading Look elsewhere…like Spain!